New Blog (blatant plug)

So, I know what you’ve all been thinking: “I just wish there was some way I could get more of Linda…” (Ahem.)

Well, it’s your lucky day! After much pondering and faffing around, I’ve finally decided to start a photographic blog of Berlin.

As you know, I’ve been more of a “words girl” up to this point so the photography thing is pretty new to me. I’m not even sure I’m terribly good at it but I want to be, and just getting out there and seeing more of Berlin is so much fun.

How my morning looked...
How my morning looked…

The blog tagline is “From the pretty to the gritty” and that’s really what it’s about. I don’t just want to show the beautiful bits (of which there are plenty, believe me) but more the everyday, the quirky, the weird and the wonderful.

For the most part, I’ll be keeping the words to a minimum – the world breathes a sigh of relief – but of course, I’d love to hear from you lovely people. Any comments, suggestions, criticisms and crap jokes are always welcome. Or, if anyone wants to tag along on a Fotowanderung (still making up German words), just drop me a line.

Obviously, there’s not much on the site at the moment but I hope to update it twice or three times a week so bear with me.

In the meantime, I’d be delighted if you’d hop on over to Eye on Berlin and let me know what you think.

(Yes, I’ve decided to stick with the “eye” theme – it’s worked for me so far!)

Thank you all in advance!





22 thoughts on “New Blog (blatant plug)”

    1. Yeah, I don’t know why that is either! Think I need to fiddle with it a bit more – I went for .com this time so it’s a bit new! Will try to fix it in the next day or so 🙂 Thanks for visiting though!

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Look at you go!! Just don’t follow my folly… and inadvertently drop “Expat Eye on Germany” else we will hunt you down and do nasty stuff!! Alas I’ve fallen into the trap of spare minutes on Whisky Lady in India and miss my Everyday Asia. Heck here I am in Singapore and not one post!! Gaakh! The guilt!!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. GAH! Thought I hadn’t seen you about for a while but I’m very shoddy at keeping up with my reader right now so it could have easily been me! And I have no intention of letting Expat Eye go – I still like rambling far too much 😉

      Liked by 1 person

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